Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Quiet round 'ere innit?

I know, I have been a lax blogger. I did never say I'd be blogging that regularly but a 3 month gap does count as a gap. However, I am still here and still making things, watch this space for the latest news....

'Retro' canes in Fimo Soft, 9x9mm
In the meantime I've just added a new item to Folksy and its a bit of a departure from the norm for WearIts@ - I've put some raw polymer clay canes on sale. If you have experience of working with polymer clay then you'll know what I mean (and you don't, just google!). So far I have only listed some extruded 'retro' canes, these in fact.

This type of cane is made by extruding layers of different colours of clay through a square die on a clay gun. The result is a kind of bullseye effect that runs through, and varies along the length of, the cane. That means no two slices are exactly the same (The 4 ends you can see in the picture are where the same cane has been cut into 4 pieces revealing a new pattern with each cut).

Honestly, there is nothing particularly difficult about making this canes so why am I offering them for sale? Because not everyone has a clay gun or wants to invest in one. I realise many people will be screaming 'That's nothing special!' at the screen right now but there could be someone out there thinking 'Oooo, I could use that pattern.....'. Anyway I'm happy to hear any thoughts on the canes, good, bad or indifferent!

Saturday, 16 June 2012

Photographing Tiddles

I was going to put 'Pussy' in the header then my inner Mrs Slocombe kicked in and I thought I'd be popping up on ALL SORTS of searches! Mind you, 'Tiddles' could still get me in trouble....

Anyway, it was a genuine title/quandary - As Liz said in her comment on my last post, photos of my cat would be lovely on here. However, beautiful as she is, she is black. I suspect she has chosen this colour with great care as it means her hair shows up on pretty much everything, she can trip me up in the dark, she's hard to find when she sneaks out at night AND she's almost impossible to get a good photo of! If I'm lucky I get a black blob with a couple of eyes showing.

I can't be the only person with this issue, black is a very common cat colour (Its OK, I don't think she read that over my shoulder) so there must be thousands of people out there with digital cameras full of black blobs. Has anyone achieved a good photo of a black cat? Are they just plain unlucky to anyone with a camera? Or should I be purchasing bright pink hair dye? (That's not a serious suggestion, you don't need to call the RSPCA).

Sunday, 10 June 2012

Busy busy busy

I've not made a single thing this weekend but it still seems to have been really busy. I've opened a new shop on Folksy - Argentia - to sell all things silver. Its still in its infancy and the range will grow over the coming weeks but feel free to drop in and let me know what you think.

Then, while I was listing items, I stumbled on the Folksy front page and thought it looked strangely familar...really fact, they've used one of my Pinterest boards on the front page! You wouldn't believe the size of the smile on my face when I realised it was mine. I hope it generates lots of sales for the lovely daisy items on there!

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Ever get the feeling you're being followed?

Well I am! I have my first 'Follower', welcome Edwina!
Honestly, I still don't know what I think about blogging and following and the whole cyberspace thing. I'm trying so hard to get my head around it. I will post about what I'm doing and what I think etc. I won't be telling you about my kids' first steps or the contents of their nappies (this is mainly because I don't have any kids and the cat is fully litter trained).

Does anyone else feel slightly uncomfortable reading these details on other people's blogs? Slightly voyeuristic? Like you're spying on someone else's life? I feel much the same about Facebook sometimes. I know, if you put it online then you should be happy for someone to read it but still...sometimes I just feel a bit creepy for reading it.

Anyway, something I have no qualms about anyone seeing:
Firebird Feather Earrings - New on Folksy today

Tuesday, 29 May 2012


Its a cross between 'Cuprous' meaning of or containing copper and 'Curiosity' meaning either inquisitiveness or a rare and fascinating object. Its also the name for my new Folksy shop selling my copper jewellery items.

There's not a huge range just yet but there are several pairs of dangly earrings - I do believe in plenty of dangle when it comes to earrings!

Tipsy Hearts

There are also a couple of archery related items if that's your thing...

Friday, 25 May 2012

Fortune Favours the Brave...

....She most definately does not favour the girl who left her copper clay, opened, for over a week because she was a bit too chicken to use it all up! Yes, that's right, copper clay. I'm trying new things and hopefully results will appear shortly.

I had a delivery this morning from Emma at EJR beads (speedy, thank you Emma), in the parcel was an item that made me stupidly happy - A tub of Renaissance Wax! I know that shouldn't make me that happy but it did. Now I can finish some of the copper clay pieces at the level of tarnish (just not a nice enough word for the pretty effects you can get) I want. If you've never used the wax before it comes with a little leaflet explaining its history and uses, its 'By Appointment to Her Majesty' and everyfink!
I'm off to wax and polish something right now!

Thursday, 24 May 2012

Right, here goes...

...I can do this, I can blog. Other people manage it.

But what if I can't think of anything to say? More to the point what if I can't think of anything to say that anyone wants to read!? Well tough, if I just write what what I'm thinking and doing and someone chooses to read it I am grateful. If no one wants to read it, never mind, it won't hurt....

...will it?